Amenity Forum updating events 2024

Amenity Forumin Amenity

The Amenity Forum is once again hosting a series of free half day Updating events across the UK aimed at all those involved in or with an interest in amenity management.

This year’s events are focussed towards ensuring that the Amenity Forum effectively identifies concerns and challenges within the sector, while also delivering current information on legislation and OCR updates.

Whatever area of the amenity sector you come from, there will be something to gain from attendance.   These events are possible thanks to generous support from Weedfree, a valued member of the Forum.

Northern England

8 May 2024 at Leyland Golf Club, Lancashire

Southern England

14 May 2024 at National Park City, London.


22 May 2024 at SASA, Edinburgh.

Pre-registration is requested for catering and administrative purposes. The events also are registered for CPD points on recognised schemes.