Are you irrigating with clean water?

Amy Ellinghamin Industry News

Otterbine fountainAeration specialist Otterbine advises on the importance of properly maintained irrigation reservoirs for optimum turf health

Water-quality management expert Otterbine has reported a rise in the numbers of golf clubs, sports and amenity venues installing aerators in their irrigation supply reservoirs over the past 12 months.

While Otterbine aerating fountains and aerators are found in many a 'showpiece' pond or lake, water sources used to supply irrigation systems are often neglected. Out of sight and out of mind, irrigation reservoirs can quickly stagnate and become overrun by algae blooms and pond weed.

But irrigating turf with such poor-quality water can cause problems it's impossible to ignore. For example, the scum from algae blooms can slow water infiltration, keep thatch wet for prolonged periods and impede air supply into and out of the soil. Unclean water can also affect the performance of your irrigation system itself.

To prevent turf damage and reduce the risk of disease incidence, distributor Lely UK's Otterbine sales manager, Roger Lupton, is urging greenkeepers and groundsmen to consider aeration before problems spread to playing surfaces and amenity turf.

"With budgets under pressure, it's easy to turn a blind eye to the bad odours and unpleasant appearance of an irrigation reservoir, lake or pond hidden from public view," he says. "But it's important to realise these superficial issues are symptomatic of more serious problems, which could affect your turf's health and performance.

"Aeration has a vital role to play in keeping water clean, clear and healthy. I'd urge turf professionals to follow in the footsteps of venues like Royal Dornoch and Worplesdon golf clubs, and countless other customers who are benefiting from improved irrigation water quality, and call us for a free inspection of their irrigation water supply, including symptoms check and recommended aeration solutions."

For more information, contact distributor Lely UK on 01480 226848, email or visit

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