Attention Amenity Sector free event in Edinburgh

Alan Speddingin Industry News

Amenity Forum Logo
The Amenity Forum, in conjunction with Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), has organised a free event to explain new legal requirements for the use of professional pesticides introduced under the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, which affect all Member States in the European Union.

The event will be held on Tuesday 25th March 2014 at SRUC, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, commencing at 11.25am. Details of the programme and information on how to book your place are provided below and you are urged to book early to avoid disappointment.

The event, which is supported by the Scottish Government, will begin with an update from the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on recent pesticide policy changes. CRD is responsible for the regulatory controls on pesticides in the UK.

The presentation will include new requirements as a result of the European Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive and the impacts of other legislation.
This will be followed by a presentation from Professor John Moverley, Chairman of the Amenity Forum, who will look at the specific practical implications of policy changes and also other challenges impacting on the sector.

The Forum has recently issued a document setting out the key Golden Rules for weed, pest and disease control. John will expand on this, setting out requirements and implications.

A third presentation will be provided by Paul Singleton, Chairman of the Forum's Education & Skills Committee. Paul will identify training requirements, both essential and strongly recommended.

He will also give detail on the Amenity Assured standard and the importance of everyone operating at such a level. A final presentation will be given by the host organisation, SRUC, providing a personal perspective on the way ahead in Scotland.

A number of similar events have been or are being held in England.

Future dates of these events are:

Bourne, Lincolnshire - February 28th

Ashbourne, Derbyshire - March 10th

Maidenhead, Berkshire - March 12th

Stockport, Cheshire - March 18th.

All the events in England are scheduled to commence at 2pm.

Professor John Moverley said: ''The Amenity Forum is the national voluntary initiative seeking to promote best practice in our sector. It is important that industry can fully demonstrate its ability to regulate itself and ensure the highest standards.

We have made substantial progress but more remains to be done and it is vital that everyone involved in this important sector are fully up to date with changes and implications. This is why we are promoting these free updating events and we hope as many as possible will be able to attend.''

Whilst events are free to attend, it is essential to pre-register by emailing Alan Spedding, Secretary to the Forum, at Further information on how to do this is given at the Forum website,

Full Programme for the updating event

From 11pm Arrival

11:25 Welcome and introductions

11:30 Update on policy changes and their impact - Nigel Chadwick/Grant Stark, Chemicals Regulations Directorate, HSE

11:55 Key challenges and issues for the sector - John Moverley, Chairman, Amenity Forum

12:20 Training, Skills and Standards - changes and challenges - Paul Singleton, Chairman Education & Skills Committee for the Forum

12:45 Questions & General Discussion

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Personal Perspective Andy Evans, SRUC

14:25 Conclusions & Actions going forward - John Moverley

15: 45 Forum Event ends

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