Bank on Lloyds of Letchworth for Educational Turfcare Seminars
Lloyds of Letchworth are taking to the road again with their Turfcare Seminars.
In conjunction with the Graden range of equipment Fleet Line Markers, Ecosolve, Scotts, STRI plus IOG & ECB regions.
These days will be producing a format which will encourage Sportsturf professionals & Greenkeepers to gain some firsthand knowledge
from some highly respected members of the industry.
These events are not to be missed!
The following venues have been selected.
Monday 27th September 2010
Kislingbury Bowls & Sports Clubs
Beech Lane, Kislingbury, Northampton
Northamptonshire NN7 4AL
Tuesday 28th September 2010
Brockhampton Cricket Club
The Parks, Brockhampton
Near Ross on Wye
Herefordshire HR1 4TQ
Wednesday 29th September 2010
Whitgift School
Haling Park, Nottingham Road
South Croydon, Surrey CR2 6YT
Thursday 30th September 2010
Letchworth Corner Sports Club
Whitethorn Lane, Letchworth
Hertfordshire, SG6 2DN
The agenda for the day will include an "Introduction reasons for good turf maintenance" including a practical demonstration of machinery with advice on use and maintenance, advice on improving playing surfaces and turf health.
Additional venues are to be arranged for other areas at a later date.
For further details please see the attached invite ( click on the image above) and booking form or to reserve your place contact:
Lloyds and Co Letchworth Ltd
Birds Hill
England UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1462 683031
Fax: +44 (0) 1462 481964