Busy times for the Amenity Forum

Alan Speddingin Industry News

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Following a highly successful series of updating workshops held in England and Scotland, the Amenity Forum continues to have a busy programme of activity. Those involved in weed, pest and disease control in the amenity sector are demonstrating their commitment to best practice and continuing to drive up standards and, as such, fully supporting the work of the Forum. This release provides information on three events over the next few months.

The first is being held on July 11th for those involved with managed amenity turf and is focussing on the co-ordination, promotion and communication of research into integrated methods of control. It arises from a conference held last December and hosted by Royal Holloway University. It identified a real need for those directly involved in this topic to work together. With the implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive, there is a strong emphasis on making use of integrated control for weeds, pests and diseases.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and sustainable approach to managing pests, weeds and diseases through a combination of methods and best practices. It takes advantage of all the best management options available including appropriate use of pesticides combined with cultural and biological approaches. The Amenity Forum, through its Chairman, John Moverley, was asked to help take matters forward and the July workshop event, again being hosted by Royal Holloway, will seek to agree clear actions for the way ahead.

The main event of the year is set for Thursday, October 16th at Leicester City Football Club's conference facilities. This is the Forum's Annual Conference and Exhibition which this year is set to be the best yet with a high profile list of speakers addressing current topics and challenges. It has rapidly become the must attend event for those involved in the amenity sector and a place to meet all those directly involved and learn of the most up to date news and developments.

The conference brochure providing full details of speakers, the programme and exhibitors can now be accessed via the Forum website or by direct email to Alan.Spedding@amenityforum.net . Early booking is advised and once again, due to sponsorship, delegate fees are being kept as low as possible. For those booking before September 1st, the fee is £40 for delegates from member organisations and £45 for all others. After that date, the fees are £45 and £50 respectively. Direct booking should be made at conference@amenityforum.net

John Moverley, Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said ''The sector continues to advance and commit itself to best practice and continuous professional development. A recent survey conducted by BASIS Registration has shown ever increasing numbers committed to Amenity Assured standards and our membership continues to grow. We recognise that there is still more to be done and we will continue to strive tofurther expand involvement. It is important that those directly engaged in the sector take forward developments themselves and stay in control, aptly the title of our 2014 conference''

For further information contact Alan.Spedding@amenityforum.net or, to book your place at the 2014 conference, you should do this direct at Conference@amenityforum.net

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