Green is the colour at Tavistock Golf Club

With no irrigation system the club is totally reliant on the weather and leans heavily on wetting agents to ensure good water availability.
As an integral part of his greens maintenance regime for the past nine years, Head Greenkeeper Garry Foster has been using Headland Amenity's TriCure AD wetting agent.
"With the dry summer we have had in the south west this year," says Garry, "TriCure AD has proven to be worth its weight in gold. We applied it from March to November and all the greens have remained fresh and healthy, maintaining their colour throughout the season and all looking like an oasis!"
TriCure AD is formulated to aid even water penetration into dry and compacted soils. It holds good for all types of root zone particles, such as soil and sand, as well as organic matter, including peat and thatch.
It works by increasing the speed of drainage and results in a faster soil surface dry-down characteristic with a more rapid return to play after rain or irrigation.
TriCure AD attaches to soil particles, reducing the surface tension of water and attracting a thin film of water close to the particle surface. This allows optimum moisture retention for plant uptake, whilst also facilitating effective drainage and release of excessive water.
To great effect Garry's maintenance regime has extended to Headlands Elevate Fe liquid iron feed and Clipless growth regulator on his tees. Elevate Fe is a liquid iron unlike most other iron + nitrogen formulations in that the iron is chemically bonded to the nitrogen.
This means that reactivity with other tank mix constituents does not occur and makes for a great tank mix partner for water-soluble and liquid fertilisers, plant growth regulators and selective herbicides such as Headland Relay Turf.
An additional bonus is that as Elevate FE does not stain turf it allows for spraying right up to key events.
The partnership with Clipless brings additional benefits. Clipless works by blocking the production of a gibberellic acid within the plant leaf, stopping cell elongation and upward growth.
The result is reduced turf height but improved sward density that cuts down on mowing frequency. Suitable for use on all turf areas, Clipless is also a useful tool to help reduce mowing frequency in difficult or dangerous areas such as steep banks etc.
"This is the first year we have used Clipless and the results have been outstanding. We tried it with a tank-mix demo and the improvement in colour, lift and sward quality has been tremendous. They are great products", concluded a very happy Garry.
A range of Headland products are available from the Pitchcare shop.
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