Guidance on interim works for your sports turf
The IOG have been working closely with various National Governing Bodies to offer advice and guidance on what works may be possible to be carried out throughout this period, and, what works may be required once sport resumes.
These 'interim works' documents are free to access for members and non-members of the IOG and cover a range sports played on natural turf and will be updated as and when the climate or current situation dictates.
The IOG recognise and appreciate that each sport, facility and the people that work hard to maintain these surfaces have very different circumstances and whilst these documents are comprehensive they are in place to suggest and highlight only the effective but minimal works to keep surfaces 'ticking over'.
Please always ensure you following up to date government guidelines, click here
To view the PDF click on each sport below:
Interim works guidance - Football
Interim works guidance - Cricket
Interim works guidance - Rugby Union
Interim works guidance - Rugby League
Interim works guidance - Horse Racing
Interim works guidance - Bowls
Interim works guidance - Croquet