Harrowing experience

Simple, strong and effective harrowing for consolidating seedbeds, creating the perfect surface for dressage arenas, all-weather gallops and renovating damaged goal mouths.
The recipe for success is to take a hardwood scrubber board to first crush clods of earth and level soil. Then four rows of closely spaced vertical tines follow to create a firm tilth.
Finally a rear-mounted adjustable crumbler roller consolidates the seedbed or levels the surface.
The Wessex Seedbed Levelling Harrow comes in three sizes of 1.2m, 1.5m and 1.8m, and is part of the Wessex CountryLine range which also offers mounted chain harrows, cultivators, rollers and other accessories for ATV/UTV and compact tractor uses.
For further information call Wessex International: 01264 345870 or visit www.wessexintl.com