Keith Cann-Evans

Editorialin Industry News

KeithCann Evans
Well known industry character Keith Cann-Evans passed away on Thursday September 25th at the age of 79 following a short illness.

The former Hunter Grinders owner and managing director also had a successful career in the packaging industry, but it was through Hunter Grinders that many in the turf care industry will have known him.

Keith, who leaves a widow Janet, two children and four grandchildren, combined his passion for golf and travel through his work.

Charmian Robson, who worked on the PR and marketing for Hunter Grinders, said: "He was a lovely, generous man and we had a good working relationship and friendship over the years."

Keith lived in Whickham, near Newcastle and, after retiring, spent much of his time travelling to and from Australia and New Zealand where his children had emigrated to.

Our thoughts are with his family at this very sad time.

The funeral has been arranged for 7th October at 11.00am at Mountsett Crematorium , Dipton. Co Durham.

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