New for 2010 - Latest surface conditioning machines from Wiedenmann UK

Val Grahamin Industry News

Wiedenmann  terra_float.jpgAvailable for 2010, Wiedenmann UK brings a series of three innovative machines offering a cost effective solution to aerifying, slitting and generally improving turf health. Such versatility makes them ideal for sports fields, golf courses, and high value grass areas within estates and parkland.

All have been engineered by the team behind the award winning range of Terra Spike deep fast aerators at Wiedenmann's purpose built design labs at Rammingen, near Dusseldorf.

The Terra Float, is a 1.6m wide spiked aerifier with a three piece floating ground-driven roller which infiltrates weeds, improves sports turf and prepares areas for overseeding.

It skilfully cuts through surface compaction and thatch layers without actually breaking or distressing the playing surface. By loosening the surface crust, gaseous exchange occurs more easily making the grass plant healthier and more resistant. Rain and irrigation water permeate the surface with less difficulty, allowing faster recovery and growth.

Comprising a three-part floating roller that may be fitted with spike or star-shaped tools, the swivel suspension is perfect for use on undulating ground. The Terra Float can be mounted to compact tractors from 30 hp while optional bogey wheels with hydraulic lift allow it to be towed on valuable turf and manicured areas. For a really pristine finish, optional steel rear rollers and turf retainers are available. Standard equipment includes three point linkage mounting parts, the floating roller without tools, support stands, frame and hood.

Wiedenmann Terra Seed.jpgUsing both the spike and star-shaped tools independently is excellent preparation for overseeding with the new Wiedenmann Terra Seed overseeder, a perfect complement and partner.

What sets the Terra Seed apart is that it is a very precise unit. With a capacious 140 litre hopper, the internal agitator prevents rogue seeds from sticking.

Two rows of spring tines, working like tiny individual rakes, open the soil's surface providing the requisite intense contact for seeds and soil. A simple adjustment of the calibrated dial discharges a precise volume of seeds from the hopper down through the trough and over the turning crank.

The Terra Seed hooks on to the rear of the Terra Float thus allowing preparation of the seed bed with either 5 mm or 8 mm needle tines, along with the star-shaped drum. The Terra Seed comes in 1.6m working width and fits by three point hitch to the rear of most compact tractors from 25 hp. A set of support wheels comes as an option.

Wiedenmann Terra Slit.jpgThe Terra Slit is the third new machine that the German engineers have created, this time for slitting, spiking and aerating.

Regular deep spiking and aeration breaks up soil compaction and provides desirable conditions for healthy root growth. By loosening compaction, the roots penetrate more deeply into the soil and better absorb water and nutrients.

The versatile Terra Slit can be fitted with slitting knives, heaving knives or coring tines depending on its application. For deep slitting, especially on golf greens, the Terra Slit can be fitted with fine, long knives reaching a working depth of 150 mm. Knives can be arranged at either 75 mm or 150 mm spacings. For those who want to create heave there is a knife set for either low or high heave.

Both sets are 200 mm long. Again both types can be spaced at 75 mm or 150 mm. If you want to remove thatch, but also aerate and spike the upper soil layer, then you can fit hollow tines. The Terra Slit makes 80 holes per m² in one run with 150 mm spacings, up to a depth of approximately 80 mm.

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