Tap into spring start at your green's discretion

Carol Duttonin Industry News

Troxhammer 1st April.jpgAbnormally low U.K. temperatures mean it's not too late to help sluggish greens with Floratine's Turf Action Plan (TAP), Spring Start.

A foliar feed mix that can be adapted and adjusted by the turf manager, Spring Start will not force feed your greens, but give them energy, nutrients and strength they can TAP into at their own discretion.

Per 4 Max, which aids chlorophyll production and density (to help with any disease scares), Carbon N a blend of three forms of Nitrogen, Renaissance for cold tolerance, P.K. Fight with phosphite to give energy and gently encourage rooting and Protesyn to aid photosynthesis during low light levels can be applied whenever air temperatures reach seven to eight degrees.

David Snowden, Floratine's European Technical Director says that this spring turf managers in Yorkshire have been facing conditions on a par with those in Scandinavia. "What happens under these temperatures is that bent grasses tend to grow more quickly than poa, which justTroxhammer 28th April.jpg sits there," he says. "This results in a patchy, uneven appearance. Spring Start TAP contains very little nitrogen and is not designed to drive growth. The grass plant will absorb the components within two or three hours after application, and use them as and when it sees fit. Given a couple of hours during the day when the air temperature has risen above 7degrees Celsius, Spring Start can be applied to greens with repeated applications at fortnightly intervals. "

For further information on Floratine's Spring Start TAP, contact David Snowden on Tel: 077990 36996 email dpsfpg@aol.com

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