United we stand - remember, remember the 13th October

John Moverleyin Industry News

amenity forum
There are no shortage of issues and challenges impacting upon the amenity sector, and indeed every other area of activity just now. These include BREXIT and its implications, the recent protracted process leading up to re-approval of glyphosate, the current review of the National Action Plan implementing the Sustainable use Directive in the UK and the list goes on.

What is paramount at this time is that everyone involved in the sector in whatever way stands united, operates to the highest standards and ensures it has a strong voice on these matters. What is done by those who work in our sector to maintain safe and sustainable amenity areas is so important and essential and, whilst we are getting that message across more and more, there remains much to be done. Creating the right amenity areas impacts on everyone in terms of our streets and pavements, transport networks, parks and play areas, sports surfaces and again the list goes on.

We have just enjoyed a very successful Olympics and there will be impact on public engagement. This needs clean, safe areas to kick that ball around, run and jump. We need to ensure the public understands that the methods we use to control weeds and produce good surfaces are safe and professionally managed and based upon proper science and years of experience.

Given all of this, perhaps the most important forthcoming date is Thursday, October 13th, when the Amenity Forum is holding its annual conference and associated exhibition area. It is an opportunity to hear first class speakers address the current topics and their implications, to see at first hand new innovations and ideas and, perhaps even more importantly to network and discuss with others. As said, there are many challenges and this makes this date even more important whatever your role or interest in the sector. It is being held at the home of Burton Albion FC at Burton on Trent, the delegate fee is £65 and you can book your place simply by emailing conference@amenityforum.net

John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said 'I am well aware of the many pressures on people's time and the many events promoted but I really do feel that this year's Amenity Forum event on October 13th is vitally important. It gives opportunity to get to the bottom of current issues and very importantly, is opportunity to demonstrate the professionalism of our sector, a united approach and to emphasise the importance and essential nature of weed, pest and disease control. Prices have been kept deliberately low and we hope to attract record numbers. Your contribution to the debate and discussion is vital whatever area you come from or whatever interest you have'