Getting Personal with John Dodds

Editorin People

John Dodds - he'd have liked to be a popstar. Not many people know that!

Who are you? John Dodds, Head Groundsman at Scarborough Cricket Club.

Family status? Married.

Who's your hero and why? Mike Corley, former Scarborough groundsman and TCCB Deputy Pitches Consultant who sadly passed away in 2003. He created my interest in being a groundsman.

What's been the highlight of your grounds career so far? Laying and preparing pitches in Toronto, Canada in 2000.

If your younger self saw you now, what would they think? You've done okay.

Which famous people wind you up? Footballers.

What job would you love, other than your own? I would have liked to be a popstar.

Brexit or Remain? Brexit.

What is your favourite film? The Italian Job (the original one).

What scares you? Getting old.

What would your autobiography be called… and who would play you in the film? My Sporting Life in Yorkshire, Michael Caine.

What is your favourite sport? Cricket.

What would you cast into Room 101? Plastic wrapping.

Which historical time and place would you most like to visit? The Victorian era.

Do you have a lifetime ambition? To travel the world.

Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? Ben Stokes, Sir Ian Botham and Dame Judy Dench.

What's the best advice you have ever been given? Don't take life too seriously.

What's your favourite smell? Freshly cut grass.

What's the daftest work-related question you have ever been asked? How do you get the grass greener in one stripe than the other?

What's your favourite piece of kit? Dennis FT 610.

What is the single most useful thing you could tell a 16-year-old groundsperson? Listen to experienced people and never be afraid to try things.

What talent would you like to have? To be able to sell myself better.

Read the full Scarborough Cricket Club article HERE

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