New habitats are being created by the construction of a pond in Three Owls Wood

Charmian Robsonin Industry News

Three Owls Pond under construction in Dec 2014
Duncan Ross Contractors - Lancashire based drainage specialists - have successfully completed a project to construct a pond for Three Owls Bird Sanctuary and Reserve. Located in the Three Owls Wood, this is the largest of their five reserves.

The work was funded using donations from a local Tarleton charity and the planning permission was achieved with the help of Duncan Ross, who submitted the drawings and details for the pond.

The project will help generate the right environment and habitat to create and sustain wildlife within the wood. With this aim in mind there is a shallow gradient on the west side of the pond to allow amphibians and insects to enter the water, whilst the east side is steeper to encourage vegetation and provide shelter for other water living creatures that live in and around the pond.

Trustee Dr. David Unwin is the driving force behind the construction of new reserves. "It's about helping to build natural habitats that will benefit local wildlife on many different levels," he says "Duncan Ross has been an enormous help, showing care and understanding during the build.

Three Owls pond completed and filled

His expertise was very helpful when applying for planning permission. We have put the many generous donations from the local people to good use."

Topsoil was removed and then clay excavated from underneath and then used in order to form an impervious layer which continues up the sides of the pond. The rest of the clay was removed to the required pond depth and all severed drains were dug back and plugged before the final drain was installed to connect all up stream land drains in order to maintain flow.

Many of the felled tree roots and trunks were integrated into the surrounding area to rot back and provide a breeding ground for insects and fungi.

Duncan Ross Ltd specialise in design, construction, renovation and maintenance of sportsturf surfaces and drainage installations. They also undertake projects that include sensitive areas of the environment and conservation.