November 2002 Questionnaire Results

Alastair Battrickin Industry News

November 2002 Questionnaire Results

We decided that although our member base was steadily growing, and we were adding lots of features and improvements to the site all the time, we were not sure exactly what our members thought of any of it. So we decided to find out. We concocted a questionnaire, found a lovely hamper to offer as an incentive and published the form for both members and non members to complete. We were stunned by the response that we received and your messages have given us encouragement and many things to think on. The results:







If you have not visited the pitchcare shop, why not?

  • Not yet had cause to require anything
  • Already have materials for winter maintenance
  • Always too busy looking at other parts of the site
  • Didn't know about it but I will have a look now
  • Different country and complicated procedure of import
  • Don't want to buy anything
  • Haven't got around to it yet
  • I tend to use the company buyer for purchases
  • I've never had a particular reason to, but I should do to see what's on offer!
  • Never get the time, looking at web sites is more for information gathering, spending money is a last thought for me. Sorry
  • Never needed to
  • Never really occurred to me
  • No interest in buying anything
  • No particular reason
  • Only just noticed it
  • Still getting use to the site
  • Usually use the website for research purposes
  • Where is it

If you have visited the pitchcare shop and not bought anything, why not?

  • Cost.
  • Just browsing.
  • Just looked for curiosity.
  • Just looking for information but may do in the future.
  • Just nothing I wanted or needed at the time.
  • Lack of funds.
  • No buying power at work.
  • No particular reason, but could do with more choice.
  • No reason at all.
  • Not in a position to purchase at present, handy for research though.
  • No waiting for other quotes then will hopefully make a purchase.
  • None of goods for sale required at moment.
  • Not had the requirement to buy anything in that line recently.
  • Not what I needed.
  • Not what I wanted at the time.
  • Waiting for a quote then I probably will.
  • Nothing attracted my interest!
  • Nothing I wanted, limited choice. Would like to se Scotts, headland etc. Nothing in there that I needed.
  • Nothing required.
  • Nothing there I needed to buy.
  • Nothing there to interest me at the time.
  • Nothing to buy only browsing.
  • Prefer to deal with rep and haggle.
  • Purchase from the suppliers already on your web site.
  • Where is it.

What do you like best about the site?

  • Gives an informed opinion without any of the BIGGA/IOG style "greenkeeping / grounds-care is all just great" mentality. 'Greenkeeper international' is just "hello" magazine for the Greenkeeping old boy network. Personally, I don't want to look at photos of execs playing golf!!.
  • A site for Groundsmen - I like everything about the site!.
  • Advice, consultancy, experiences, interviews, expert's word, new achievements, etc.
  • Appears professional and down to earth, not too much waffle.
  • Best, most informed advice without vested interest.
  • Colour pages.
  • Current information.
  • Design, easy to navigate and login.
  • Diversity of topics.
  • Ease of use.
  • Easy accessibility with helpful information.
  • Easy to navigate around. Interacts with members.
  • Easy to use and quality information.
  • Editorial & new products.
  • Everything.
  • Everything, well thought out, well presented, very professional for its intended users.
  • General browser - it's good to have easily accessible information about ground care.
  • General feeling that there are colleagues out there willing to help anyone on an informal basis and have a laugh while their at it.
  • General information.
  • Good interactivity between different people from all over the country and in different sports.
  • Good layout and very interesting stories from respected people.
  • Ground maintenance information.
  • I like the way it unites people.
  • Information and ideas.
  • Informative and up to date.
  • It does not just cover my interest golf so it is interesting to see how others are doing in there field.
  • It is very diverse and covers all areas of groundsmanship very well.
  • It seems to upto date.
  • Its a good place to speak to other people and learn what they have done and have been up to. Like some of the football clubs. It has a wide range of subjects and
  • its easy and free to use so that's a big thing which made me come to pitchcare.
  • It's clear and concise nature!.
  • Its easy to use I also get a answer everytime from any question I put to you.
  • Its forward thinking, and every one one the site is friendly.
  • Its up to date. The message boards are good, though not always updated to reflect new answers.
  • Letters on message board and the articles from the top groundsmen.
  • Meeting new people and finding out what they get up to! Easy to use.
  • Message board.
  • New ideas and products + keeping in touch with other grounds contractors.
  • News articles and chat room.
  • News letters reminding me that your site is there, who's who and the ability to down load a picture of yourself.
  • Plenty of good info.
  • Quick and easy access to the latest information.
  • Reading about how other cricket clubs tackle topical issues; the barter room.
  • Really informative. A lot going on. Easy to navigate and information and advice - from experts - which you can trust.
  • Sound up to date quality editorial.
  • Technical information provided.
  • The advice and access to people in similar environments.
  • The chance to speak to other greenkeepers/groundsman and find out if they too have had a shity day etc. etc.
  • The consultancy section.
  • The fact it is up to date and has its finger on the pulse. You don't have to wait a month for the magazine, new stuff is going on every day. I feel like I now know more grounds related people from it.
  • The forum that it provides. It doesn't lecture, it informs.
  • The friendly atmosphere and the fact that a helping hand is just a click away.
  • The level of information available and the ease of use.
  • The members that put on they own stories of what they are doing and what's happening at these places. It good information to take on board!!! Also its good free advice!!!.
  • The up to the minute nature of communication between turfcare professionals.
  • The varied information.
  • The variety.
  • The wide range of information made available to the everyday greenkeeper/groundman no matter what position they hold at their place of work.
  • Upto date weather information / second hand machinery.
  • Upto date, informative, unbiased.
  • Useful information.
  • Useful information regarding grass maintenance etc.
  • Very informative.
  • Well laid out

What aspect of the site could be improved or changed?

  • A q&a session from a turf expert in a particular field.
  • A student side of things. Because I'm a student and I know that there are other students who are on Because we are all training to become groundsmen/greenkeepers it would be good to hear what other student groundspersons are learning to do. Like I'm training at Sparsholt collage in Winchester and I would like to see what other students get up to!.
  • At the risk of sounding like a crawler it is pretty good now and doesn't need changing.
  • Can't think of anything.
  • Contributors using names and not code names.
  • Cost of advertising.
  • Crumbs.... Not sure about this. Opinions are so varied so I suppose the site needs no improvement unless the your hits are decreasing.
  • Difficult to say - because there is so much in pitchcare sometimes it can appear cramped but then that is a benefit as well as a drawback, maybe the consultancy section, when someone is brought in for an interview with Dave, could be done with webcam and sound so that we can see the subject squirm with the difficult questions and see how many chocolate biscuits Dave eats during the session, or more accurately so that there can be voice/vision link between delegates to make it more of a video conference?.
  • Education information.
  • Have a time limit on people advertising themselves for a new job.
  • I like what I see.
  • I think the site is well organised in general.
  • I wouldn't make any changes for now!.
  • In health and safety - an area the IOG has consistently failed to deliver in - you could produce a template/printable sheet for carrying out risk assessments. I know from talking to others in the industry that this is a major headache to some people.
  • It would be nice (for me!) to be able to address question or requests for advice directly to the professionals involved with the website. It may just be me but there are occasions (especially on the message boards) when it would be helpful to tell another member what club, where we are etc., but I am loathe to do this for security reason even though it is a member's site in the main; this may just be my paranoia but if there were a way to be reassured that info wouldn't fall into the wrong hands and that the member who you are giving the info to was "trusted" for want of a better word, then it would be handy.
  • Keep up the good work!!.
  • Message board.
  • More available on the health and safety without it costing for visits.
  • More general basic advice to help the amateur like myself know what to look for, how to prepare and take steps to avoid unnecessary damage and when to call in an expert.
  • More of the same/bigger site.
  • More people in the chat rooms and in turn they use the message board more.
  • More people using the chat rooms and message boards this could be sorted by setting times. More jobs (not p c fault).
  • More selection of discounted sales machines etc.
  • More technical information.
  • None.
  • If a few more people were willing to voice there opinion it would make it interesting.
  • Have no complaints about it.
  • Nothing. It works well as it is.
  • OK for me.
  • Personally, I would like to see a few more bowls related articles - especially aimed at the weekend amateur and clubs with literally £500 - £1000 per year to spend on their green.
  • Promote chat room.
  • Specific message boards for different trades.
  • This is a wonderful job, give a call to young people and provide an online brief course acquainting them with basic tools, machines, machinery... But for secrets of the job, let them learn a bit:-).
  • Too early to tell, only been using it for a couple of weeks.
  • Very good site.
  • Would like more downloads, the pitch markings are a great help. More content in the useful info section. More stories in the bowling section. More cricket stories from smaller clubs and how they overcome budget problems



Any other comments?

  • A student page? For the green keepers and groundman of the next generation.
  • Carry on the good work.
  • Good work and keep it up!.
  • I do not use the site often enough, or take enough information to make a subscription worthwhile in my situation.
  • I like the fact that the site is free and available to anybody who wants to join.
  • I think I'm torn between £3 and £5 as I think this charge should resemble if you are a single member or group (company) I would probably log on at home and wk.
  • I would be happy to pay. I also know my guys at wk wouldn't pay as they are not that bothered.
  • I think you are doing a splendid job at pitch care.
  • I would be happy to pay more but I use p c at wk as well and at home so feel subs need to be adapted to different people.
  • More jobs (if there was some)
  • Very impressed to what this site has done already I would like to help it get bigger and better so you have my vote !!! Keep up the good and hard work!.
  • I would consider the monthly charge though as an amateur groundsman I would have to pay this myself. I am involved with a cricket club so my use is more during the spring/summer than the autumn/winter so this would also have a bearing on my decision.
  • I wouldn't be prepared to pay because I could get what I need elsewhere; also, the manufacturers who advertise on this useful site should be underwriting it.
  • I wouldn't use the site if there was a monthly charge, as my club probably wouldn't pay it!.
  • If the site were to charge,it may put some members off and see a decrease in use of the site by people who use it now.
  • It would be great if we could charge for folks to visit our sites and who knows, it might happen in the future. Webs are for information seeking, purchasing or entertainment, the only bit that could be charged for is entertainment. I would think the costs of making a site entertaining would be too high when compared to the
  • great graphics you get with games on disc. Perhaps you could generate income by using a password page, leading the reader onto benefits or discounts for group purchasing.
  • Just keep on improving! I presume you have a deal with groundsearch because I would like to be able to place free (I have a small budget!)job ads.
  • Just to say that I am very impressed by the site. If I can't find what I want on it, then I can ask another member for help.
  • Keep the ideas coming Dave its a good site with everything easy to access.
  • Keep up the brilliant work. Pitchcare is a truly innovative site and seems to be achieving the success it deserves.
  • Keep up the good work Dave and staff. This site must continue to adapt improve and expand. It is essential to the industry and groundsman/greenkeepers alike.
  • Keep up the good work you are all doing a top job.
  • Keep up the good work, and we wish all at pitchcare a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year!.
  • Money could be raised through more sponsors non work related for example Men's stuff most on here are male, football stuff, e.g. Bookies etc.
  • My employer would not pay the fee no matter how small.
  • Take (pitch)care!
  • The last section on 9a and 9b is understandable and as a commercial operation I don't mind paying, and I see the need for pitchcare to operate in a commercial world, I just worry that a subscription could put off some potential rank and file members or potential members, just a thought. Otherwise it has been enjoyable to log on to a purpose built site for our industry, just feel like I need to hold back with making too many comments on messageboards because I don't want you or members to get the feeling that we're trying to promote ourselves above trying to give helpful advice, a difficult balance to keep. Will be sending the cheque for advertising on a loams page by the way, just need to break the bank managers arms to get permission.
  • The site is a breath of fresh air, where I work I find I can become cocooned in the work environment but the web site gives me a chance to see what other people do and have to cope with. It is amazing to see that I am not the only one having to deal with 2 inches rain on a matchday! (OK, slightly tongue in cheek that bit!.
  • Very interesting to read about products that rival those that my company deal in - draws our attention to niches in the market.
  • Would like to know the reason behind question 9a as I am not a rich man.
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