Record year for Barenbrug

Lucy Ohstenin Industry News


By Lucy Ohsten

Specialist seed breeders Barenbrug UK has released its latest trading results for the year to June 2003, revealing the company has achieved an 18 per cent increase in turnover and a substantial profit of almost £300k.

Managing director Paul Johnson said: "We are delighted with these figures, the result of all the hard work put in by Barenbrug UK's 20 employees over the past 12 months. A buoyant marketplace has helped to produce more favourable conditions than the bleak months following the BSE and foot and mouth crises."

Paul Johnson added: "Barenbrug offers its customers something unique because, unlike our competitors, we specialise purely in grass seed. To support this we have extensive global research facilities and programmes constantly bringing new quality varieties and species to the market, coupled with an experienced technical sales support team. Overall we believe we have an unbeatable formula."

In a year which will mark 100 years of trading for the Barenbrug group, Barenbrug UK is well placed to ensure the next 12 months of trading are equally successful.

To contact Barenbrug UK directly please Tel:01359 272000 or email:

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