Tower together with Jim Turner

David Goldstonein Golf

Tower Chemicals invite you to a series of free seminars to be held in the locations nearest to you and listed below. This invitation is not only for you - please feel free to bring along your colleagues (more the merrier!) and also any members of your golf club who you think may benefit from the free education on offer below (Greens Chairman, Secretary, Club Manager, Captain etc.)

To get the most out of this seminar for both your club and yourself, please bring with you your latest water test results which should include the following:

· Ph level

· Bi-Carbonate level

· Sodium level

Also please bring a sample of your sprayable water you currently work with in a cleansed jar. The results of a working demonstration there and then of YOUR water will make you really sit up and think!

We will give you at the end of the seminar a tailor made programme in relation to your water quality issues.

Monday 28th April 2008: The Dunblane Hydro Hotel, Perth Road Dunblane FK15 0HG 01786 822551

Tuesday 29th April 2008: Tower Head Office, Grangefield Industrial Estate. Pudsey. Leeds LS28 9QN

Wednesday 30th April 2008: Donnington Valley Golf Club, Snelsmore House, Snelsmore Common. Newbury, Berkshire RG14 3BG. Telephone (01635) 568140

Thursday 1st May 2008 :Portlaoise Heritage Hotel
, Portloaise - Co Laois Portlaoise - Ireland

The day will take the following format:

9 - 9.30am Registration and coffee.
9.30 Introduction.
9.45 What is dry patch, why does it happen and how to combat it.
11.00 Coffee
11.30 If you don't suffer from dry patch but need to re-hydrate dry areas, what is your best mode of action? What is your best strategy to combat dry patch? 14, 28, 60, 90 or 150 day's applications. Injectable or sprayable applications? Corrective or cosmetic? You know your course; you know your budget and after this session, you will know your best approach to attack your annual problem.
1.00 Until 1.45 Lunch.
1.45 Water quality. How to get the most from your water.
Whether you suffer from high Ph and the resulting high bi-carbonate's and sodium issues
By adding a buffer to your spray tank solution, you can gain maximum efficiency of your fungicide/pesticide
Water and its usage is set to become a real issue facing all of us now and in the future, get ahead of the game.
3.30 Molasses in powder form in conjunction with Maxximum RZP. What are the advantages of using a root zone enhancer mixed with molasses, and what effect will it have in the short, medium and long term on the plant.
4.15 Questions and Answers

This is not a sales seminar. This is an educational seminar.

After the seminar the choices you make will be informed, as you will be working/listening/laughing alongside arguably the number one speaker on the GCSAA circuit. I would appreciate your RSVP by either email or fax no later than Monday 14th April 2008.

I look forward to seeing you and your colleagues at the seminar.

David Goldstone
Managing Director
Tel: 0113 256 8111
Fax: 0113 256 9111

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