Reasons Why You Should Attend our Pitchcare Open Day - Register
Since launching 10 years
ago, Pitchcare as a business has seen rapid progress and
improvement of standards in our industry. Communication, education
and co-operation between fellow professionals has been core to this
success, ensuring the UK flies the flag with turf presentation and
performance in stadia, golf courses, and a spectrum of sports
playing surfaces.
During this time, Pitchcare
itself has expanded and adapted to the meet the needs of our
members and business, ensuring free communication and education is
accessible to all levels of turf care professionals. In-conjunction
with our partner companies we are throwing an open invite to
groundsmen, greenkeepers and all turf care professionals to visit
our 25,000m2 site and see the workings and team behind
our multi-faceted operation.
We are incorporating
principles at the heart of the Pitchcare ethos, education,
co-operation and fun with relevant skills and activities to all
involved in turfcare, what-ever the sport or level. So we are
giving you the 10 best reasons to attend our Open Day at the
Maxwell Amenity site on July the 5th: