When it comes to staging football tournaments, there has never been a greater challenge than the 2026 World Cup in America, Canada, and Mexico.
Weather Corner
As the atmosphere warms, its ability to hold moisture increases. It is an oft-quoted fact that for every 1°C increase in air temperature, air can hold 7% more moisture.
Top Tips
Social media has become one of the biggest tools for daily use. For networking, it is the most useful tool out there! James Matthewman tells us how he uses social media to connect with turfcare professionals worldwide.
In an industry where networking, sharing information and continuing to learn are key, we delve into how turf managers can help each other.
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Latest Turfcare News

Zero-turns to make star turn as Kubota return to SALTEX

A stop by the Kubota stand is always a must for visitors to SALTEX, and this year should be no different, with a vast array of industry-leading compact tractors, RTV’s and mowing solutions taking centre stage on stand C070.