2006 sets British heat records
Several records for temperatures in Britain have been broken during 2006.
Scientists from the Met Office and the University of East Anglia (UEA) say the year was probably the hottest in central England since records began.
The average growing season temperature was the highest recorded in central England, while previous maximums for individual months were also passed.
Globally, 2006 was the sixth hottest year on record, cooled by La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean.
The top 10 warmest years recorded globally have all occurred during the last 12 years.
See full article click following link:- 2006 sets British heat records
Scientists from the Met Office and the University of East Anglia (UEA) say the year was probably the hottest in central England since records began.
The average growing season temperature was the highest recorded in central England, while previous maximums for individual months were also passed.
Globally, 2006 was the sixth hottest year on record, cooled by La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean.
The top 10 warmest years recorded globally have all occurred during the last 12 years.
See full article click following link:- 2006 sets British heat records
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