£30,000 tranche of machinery for Sittingbourne
£300,000 tranche of new equipment in 75th anniversary year
Sittingbourne & Milton Regis Golf Club, situated in rolling parkland just off the M2 motorway in Kent, have recently taken delivery of £300,000 worth of new turf maintenance equipment from local dealer, Ernest Doe & Son Ltd.
Incorporated on 17th June 1929 as a limited company, the Club are celebrating their 75th anniversary and this new equipment is being used to ensure that the course is in the best possible condition for the planned celebrations throughout this year and beyond.
David Horn, Course Manager, drew up the specification for the new equipment and Bill Brown, Greens Committee Chairman approved the procurement of the Ransomes Jacobsen equipment on a five year operating lease agreement financed through ING Lease.
Commenting on the new agreement David Horn said, "We financed our previous batch of equipment in a similar way as it suits our particular needs. We know exactly from one month to the next what our expenditure will be and we can profile this over the five year term.
"The new equipment has already enabled us to improve the maintenance regime and with two ride on greens mowers and four pedestrian mowers we now have a great deal more flexibility when preparing for competitions and tournaments. I'm a believer in hand mowing greens whenever possible, and there's no doubt that the Jacobsen Greens King 522s provide and excellent quality of cut."
Photo: Bill Brown (front left), Greens Committee Chairman, David Horn (centre), Course Manager and Vic Maynard, Ernest Doe & Sons (front right) at the handover of the new equipment.