A force to be reckoned with
Hardmet Landforce have added extensively to their range of tree surgery, forestry and landscape machinery. Launched at Saltex, two new Landforce chippers join the line up and the company has also announced it has an exclusive arrangement for the UK distribution of Laski equipment.
The HL 100/25 is a 4" towable chipper aimed at contractors wanting a lighter, compact and easily towed machine. Powered by a Kohler Command four-stroke air-cooled engine it offers 25hp (18.6kW) at 3,600rpm. Suitable for chipping branches up to 4" (100mm) the cutting wheel has four blades and a cutting speed of 43 m/s. Anyone looking for a PTO chipper need look no further than the Hardmet Landforce HL120T for the disposal of branches, trunks, brash and redundant timber such as poles and planks.
Easily tractor mounted the HL120T features a state of the art No-Stress control as standard and can handle materials up to 150mm in diameter or sheet materials 60mm thick. Laski machinery enjoys a high reputation with worldwide sales and Hardmet Landforce has launched at Saltex the first of a new range of Laski chippers and stump grinders. The LS 150D offers the power and torque of a diesel Lombardini air-cooled engine delivering 28.5hp (21kW) at 3000rpm. It will chip wood up to 6" (150mm) producing chips about 9mm in length and offers turntable versatility.
The second machine in the Laski range is the powerful F450/27 self-propelled Stump Grinder featuring a 27hp (20.1kW) Kohler Command engine, electric start, 60mm cutting wheel and a cutting range of 200mm above and below ground. Ideal for tree surgeons, contractors, Local Authorities and the Hire market, Hardmet Landforce and Laski machines offer keen pricing and versatility with high quality and excellent reliability.
DUO and CHIP from Hardmet Landforce
Four all new Duo combination chipper shredder machines from Hardmet Landforce are priced to compete with dedicated single use machines. The DUO will appeal particularly to arboriculturalists, contractors and hire companies offering the flexibility of the DUO SYSTEM to meet different demands. These are very rugged dual purpose machines that will deal efficiently with everything from large branches to light brush. With the shredder, brush and waste materials can be processed to form the best material for mulch, compost or recycling for on-site use.
The chippings from the chipper can be used as mulch or to reduce material volumes for off-site disposal. The shredder and chipper cutter element of the DUO models is a helical flight design, combining low power consumption with aggressive action. Designed for lower noise operation both the chipper and shredder lacerate the incoming material to reduce volume and promote rapid decomposition.
The fly wheel chipper on all models is fed via hydraulic powered rollers that automatically cut the feed to the chipper when the engine speed drops below a preset limit, to reduce the chances of blockages. The 135mm 165mm 200mm and 235mm machines each have an integral shredder that accommodates material up to 50mm in diameter. There are four CHIP chipper models available ranging from 27hp to 54hp and all models are powered by Deutz diesel engines.
Hardmet Landforce, based in Evesham, provides full after sales service and support, spares and maintenance. Hardmet Landforce: Tel 01386 834813 www. landforce.co.uk hardmetlandforce @btinternet.com