Alex Millar - Obituary

Dave Saltmanin Industry News

Alex MillarIt is with sadness that I pass on the news that Alex Millar passed away last week.

A great many people in the Industry will have worked with him and all will have known Alex as a warm, generous and passionate man.

I first met Alex about 15 years ago and became involved in education and training as well as finals judging for the football Groundsmen of the Year awards sponsored by the Football Association. We often spent days together driving around the country and always found time to chat and discuss the issues of the day at events, shows and dinners that we both attended.

Alex spent a lifetime in the Industry and was always willing to impart his knowledge and expertise to others; he had great empathy with what we were doing on the Internet and whilst in his role as Chairman of the IOG in latter years, he was always understanding and sympathetic for everything that we all strive for - a united Industry.

Alex, you will be sorely missed and my heart goes out to your family at this time.

God bless,

Dave Saltman

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