Allen transform Walker agency.

Press Releasein Industry News

Allen Transform Walker Agency.

Press Release


Transform is owned and managed by Simon Gray a veteran of some 23 mowing seasons in the business, and the founder of Transform in 1988. Simon has extensive experience in the landscape business having worked with Waterers in the UK and abroad in California.

He has built up Transform in a wealthy area where many clients have 'pocket estates'. Operating in the garden design and build industry for the high end of the domestic market and in an area where it's just 50 minutes commuting distance to the heart of London his target customer base is broad.

To improve the service to his customers, Simon purchased a 48in diesel Walker mower last year.
After a successful season and good response from some of his established clients he approached several dealers about the Waller product. Simon wasn't impressed with the response so he decided to seek the Walker agency for his company.

Operating from modern offices and workshop in Haslemere, Transform took on the Walker agency just a month ago and have already sold a 42in cut diesel unit locally.

Simon finds his customers still asking for grass collection and in this department the Walker cannot be beaten. Even in wet conditions the Walker collects and copes manfully, and with the local MP as one of his clients, Simon doesn't want any questions asked in the house.

Simon simply said, "The Walker was for us as soon as I saw its versatility and performance. Some of my customers have very prestigious gardens of up to 30 acres, I cannot mess with toys, the Walker does what it says on the box!"

Allen Power Equipment Limited, The Broadway, Didcot, Oxon, OX13 5BP

Telephone 01235 515400 Fax 01235 515401

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