Amenity Forum announce speakers for their October conference
This year's Amenity Forum Conference is being held once again at the Pirelli Stadium, Burton upon Trent, on Thursday, October 10th.
Professor Michael Eddleston
The conference will be entitled '21st Century Amenity Management' and it will have a strong focus upon innovation and taking an integrated approach to weed, pest and disease management. It will also provide updates on policy issues.
The speakers this year include Professor Michael Eddleston from the University of Edinburgh who is set to provide a presentation on Human Health issues and Dr. David Hughes from Syngenta who will give an insight into new technologies and innovations coming the way of amenity managers in the future.
There will also be a session on approaches to integrated management with contributions from practitioners covering all aspects. These will be supported by other key speakers giving their views on the future. The conference will round up with a presentation from Jim McKenzie, MBE, Director of Estates and Golf Courses, Celtic Manor entitled 'The pressures and challenges of creating and maintaining high quality playing conditions and facilities for a major golfing venue'.
Jim McKenzie, MBE, Director of Estates and Golf Courses, Celtic Manor
During the conference category winners for the Amenity Sprayer Operator of the Year Awards will be announced. There will also be the launch of the new Amenity Standard. This is seen as very much a game changer in our sector providing a standard akin to the Red Tractor in food and agriculture.
Professor John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said "This conference has attracted an enviable reputation for the quality of its speakers and the opportunity to network with the key people in our sector."
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For non-members, the rate is £95 + VAT. Member organisations receive a £10 discount on the above rates and, if you are a member of a local authority a further discount may be available on enquiry