And the winner is ...

Dave Mearsin Industry News

Crosland Heath Golf Club was the winner of the ClearWater system in Acumen ClearWater's prize draw at BTME 2018.

Head Greenkeeper Richard Holmes' winning entry was pulled out of the box at the end of the show. On being told the news Richard was delighted, especially as ClearWater was on his "wish list"!

Matthew Mears, Acumen ClearWater's sales and development manager, visited the club soon after the show to present the winner's certificate and to discuss installation and delivery arrangements. Matthew is seen here in our photo handing the certificate to Richard (centre) and David Baxter, Health and Safety Officer (right).

David was responsible for initiating the requirement for a suitable and compliant wash system. Winning the system as a prize has accelerated plans with David and the club happy in the knowledge that, with ClearWater installed, the H&S boxes will be well and truly ticked! Not only will the legal and environmental requirements be met, but Richard and his team will have and effective and efficient wash system for their machinery.

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