August 2019 Pitch Diaries

Editorin General Interest

August signals the start of late summer and, with it, shorter days and cooler nights than the long days of June and warm sticky nights of July.

Large White

By Jack Mortimer

August regularly offers periods of heavy rain fall and storms. Generally, conditions for growth are good during August, but as ever has extremes which challenge the grass plant and the turf manager in equal measure.

As some sports engage in renovations, winter sports start their season. Maximising pitch quality through late summer and early autumn, is critical to keeping you ahead of the curve when things turn against the grass plant in the winter. A good quality slow release NPK feed now will keep things moving in the right direction over the next few months. It will also help to showcase surfaces at their best as the first matches of the season begin.

In this month's diaries we look at all aspects of turf management. Click here to view

Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.

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General interest