Bailoy unveils brand new wallmount irrigation system

Amy Ellinghamin Industry News

Golf irrigation system specialist's GTI EC wallmount offers straightforward, cost-effective irrigation solution perfect for retrofit and new installs

Bailoy Products launched its latest golf irrigation control system at Harrogate Week.

The GTI EC is a simple-to-use, cost-effective wall-mounted irrigation control system. Bailoy - best known for its computer-operated GTI Gemini-Trident Irrigation system - created this product for all those who want a modern solution with more features than a basic wallmount, but which is less expensive than a full PC system.

Importantly, GTI EC has been designed as the perfect upgrade or replacement for existing SC3000 and TW2 wallmount controllers.

Bailoy, of course, designed and built the Toro-branded SC3000 three-wire system in the early 1980s and saw it successfully used for many years - who better, therefore, to introduce its successor? And thanks to the GTI EC's flexibility, the system also seamlessly upgrades/replaces the two-wire TW2 from Watermation.

The GTI EC also offers an extremely effective, value-for-money solution for new irrigation installations of a more straightforward design.

For example, smaller golf clubs and courses, and nine-hole courses or municipal sites with less complex watering needs, will appreciate its cost-effectiveness in these economically tough times. It's equally adaptable for irrigating sports surfaces such as football and rugby pitches, tennis courts and bowing greens, too; as well as commercial landscapes and large residential gardens. Better yet, the GTI EC is completely upgradable to the full GTI PC system if required at a later date.

While it's undoubtedly a clever piece of kit and superior to other wallmounts, Bailoy is proud to claim that GTI EC isn't a complex system - not only does this means it's budget-friendly, but it's also bound to be a breath of fresh air for anyone bamboozled by complex, computer-operated irrigation systems! The development team reckon it's the simplest and quickest system to set up currently available. It can also be left to run for very long periods without the need to attend to it or reprogram.

So, how does it work? The GTI EC system works from the main unit via a wallmount controller located in the pump house. After installation and initial set up, the user is guided through a series of short multiple-choice screens to set the system according to their needs, and then it's ready to irrigate.

Ten straightforward watering programmes and other simplified features ensure GTI EC is foolproof. It can be operated from the wallmount itself or - as an added bonus - users can opt to access the system via an internet-enabled iPad or tablet device, or through an existing office computer. This option mirrors the GTI EC screen on the remote device, giving the user control from any location on or off site. Remote technical support is also available from the Bailoy head office.

Commenting on the launch of the GTI EC, Bailoy's managing director Adam Lovejoy says: "We're thrilled to launch our new wallmount system at the show. Whether clubs are looking for a cost-effective solution due to budgetary cuts or shy away from complex computer-operated systems, the GTI EC fills a real gap in the market across both retrofits and new installations. We're confident course managers and other turf professionals will love its user-friendly features, and look forward to showing these off firsthand to Harrogate Week visitors.


• 10-inch touch-screen colour LCD display provides intuitive interaction.
• Presents all tasks in small steps, meaning anyone can operate the system.
• Uses location names to identify stations, so forget all those hard-to-remember decoder numbers!
• Allows seamless control away from the controller location in the pump house.
• A flow-management tree allows precise allocation of flow, to ensure uniform coverage for each course area.
• Automatically logs water consumption to ensure users keep within water budgets.
• Allows optional local and worldwide system access via any internet-enabled iPad, tablet device or computer.
• Controls up to four, typical 18-hole golf courses on one site.
• Each controller supports up to 456 stations.
• Creates up to 10 programmes to ensure watering only where needed.
• Allows future upgrade to GTI PC system.

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