Barrowford Cricket Club takes fight for power to court

Editorin Cricket

The future of 105-year-old Barrowford Cricket Club has been in jeopardy since January, after it was left with a £10,000 bill to get the full electricity supply back on.

The power at the club's Bullholme pavilion was disconnected in January during work by the council to redevelop a changing pavilion on adjacent playing fields used by local football teams.

But the cricket club then received a letter from Pendle Council, from whom it leases the land, saying power cannot be restored until the cable supplying the cricket pavilion is upgraded to comply with regulations.

The cash-strapped club, which had a surplus of just £44 last year, said it cannot afford the bill.

A spokesman for legal firm Garricks said the council's insurers had offered no settlement after looking at the issue, and that the club were now seeking to go to court and employ an arbitrator to hold talks and try to settle the dispute.

David Flounders, the club's groundsman, who has been dealing with the issue, said: "The cricket club is an important community facility used regularly by some 200 cricketers.

"It's used not only by our Barrowford teams, but also by other local teams and games involving other local cricket leagues. The youngsters from the football club have also been using the pavilion while their facilities are being rebuilt, so it's affecting them as well.

"With no power we can't light or heat the changing rooms and kitchen area. We're currently hiring a generator which is very expensive and we won't be able to continue with that for much longer.

"The financial ramifications put the very future of the club at risk."

Article from the Lancashire Telegraph

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