Campey appointed official supplier of Air 2G2 to Australia
Following the success with the Air2G2 in the UK, rest of Europe, South Africa and Asia, American manufacturer GT Air Inject Inc. has handed over responsibility to Campeys for the supply of its product in Australia.
The machine will be distributed by Sydney based machinery dealer ship Sustainable Turf; distributor of the well-known Koro and Imants sports turf maintenance equipment for Australia and New Zealand.
Managing Director of Campey Turf Care Systems Richard Campey is already experienced in a global approach to distribution and welcomes the opportunity to take this product to Australia. "Interest from sportsturf professionals in Australia for the Air2G2 has been very apparent through social media and our website," says Richard "We know there is a strong market and a significant enough demand to warrant our investment. We look forward to working with Sustainable Turf and bringing the innovative Air2G2 to Australian and New Zealand groundsmen and greenkeepers in the coming year."
The Air2G2 GT Air Inject is designed to aerate deep into the soil by injecting air up to a depth of 12 inches (depending on tine fitted), fracturing the ground horizontally and forcing the air upward to de-compact the soil around the root zone.
It is extremely effective at doing this. More importantly it is an excellent form of total aeration for golf greens and other fine turf areas especially during the summer months, as there is no disruption to the playing surface whatsoever.
Essentially, the action of forcing air through the soil structure creates a network of fissures. This in turn produces the conditions for healthy roots to develop and grow deep while encouraging excellent microbial activity and increasing the presence of bacteria in the soil - the Air2G2 literally breathes new life into the soil.
The first Air2G2 will be arriving in Australia in time for the Australia Turfgrass Conference in June. Campey Product Specialist/demonstrator Lee Morgado will be supporting Sustainable Turf at the show and accompanying them on a demonstration tour around Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne after the event.