Campey Open Day attracts 250-plus turf professionals for educational event

Despite a gloomy weather forecast, wall-to-wall sunshine set the scene for a range of machinery displays and demonstrations across the site - providing the perfect conditions for an enjoyable, educational and thoroughly worthwhile day.
Representatives from a host of manufacturers were on hand to demonstrate their machines and help with any technical enquiries from visitors.
A steady number of international visitors arrived during the day from as far afield as Hungary, including a party of 20 greenkeepers and groundsmen from Italy organised by Campeys Italian dealer; Actis golf.

Top industry organisations, including Pitchcare, provided invaluable information and insight into the industry's support for the trade.
BIGGA Midland and Northern Regional Administrator Sandra Raper reported a steady flow of greenkeepers taking up new membership throughout the day.
A Campey-style lunch of hog roast with side dishes and puddings to follow, served in the welcome shade of the newly erected steel shed, provided much relief and refreshment.
Richard Gibb (STRI) was the first of the afternoon speakers, delivering a unique insight into the science behind pitch development in stadiums across the world.

Ed Stant, Course Manager at Trentham Golf Club, summed up the day when he said; "The Campey Open Day is one you cannot afford to miss, with so many demonstrations of new products, seminars and turfgrass experts to network with.
"The day was first class and the exceptional lunch an added bonus!"
Managing Director of Campey Turf Care, Richard Campey expressed delight at the turnout "We put a lot of effort into making sure the day is of value. Thanks to all those who took the time to attend. Thanks also to my team who pulled out all the stops to make it happen."
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