Campey’s Mandy Caton to pedal to Paris in support of Breast Cancer charity

Ellie Parryin Industry News

Mandy Caton, Campeys, charity bike ride.JPGMandy Caton, Sales Administrator at Campey Turf Care Systems, will face the biggest challenge of her life next Spring when she attempts to cycle from London to Paris to raise money for the Breast Cancer Campaign.

In just four days from 12th to 16th May, she'll cover 300 miles in the company of 70 other riders, including one of her best friends, Gill.

The route will take them from central London, through towns and villages to Calais, then into the stunning countryside of rural France, passing historical landmarks and World War I battlefields until they reach the chic French capital.

"I'm terrified but excited at the same time, I know it'll be an unforgettable experience." said Mandy, who has been with Campeys for seven years. "It's a long way and I've never done anything like this before, but I'm determined to raise as much money as I can for the charity. I'm doing lots of preparation by cycling locally, going to spinning classes at the gym and buying every sort of garment I can with gel in it!"

"One of my good friends had breast cancer two years ago and is now in remission thankfully. It seems that most people you speak to know someone who has been affected by it in some way. The money we raise will help fund innovative world-class research to understand how it develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure."

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