Celebrating Sportsturf excellence at Myerscough College
Myerscough College (Preston campus) held their annual graduation and presentation of awards ceremonies over two days on Thursday 12th July and Friday 13th July.
This year Myerscough College were pleased to receive Neil Stubley at their HE graduation. Neil visited the College to pick up his Foundation Degree in Sportsturf after studying online. Having spent 16 years at Wimbledon, the past nine as Senior Groundsman, was appointed Head Groundsman Designate in April in preparation for the intended retirement of current Head Groundsman, Eddie Seaward, a Myerscough College Fellow. Eddie Seaward will retire from Head Groundsman duties at the end of the Olympic tennis events.
Speaking about the graduation of Neil Stubley, Dr Andrew Owen, Lecturer in Sportsturf Agronomy, said: "It was a privilege to have Neil at College for the ceremony. With preparations for the London Olympics underway at Wimbledon, I'm grateful he took the time to attend today and join us to celebrate the achievements of our Sportsturf students.
The surfaces at Wimbledon have never looked better and great credit must go to Neil and the team there, which includes several other ex-Myerscough students. Everybody at the College was delighted to hear that Neil was appointed Head Groundsman Designate and hopefully he can implement some of the things he has learnt through the College into his daily work."
Myerscough College's ceremonies mark the culmination of years of hard work and see many students presented with outstanding achievement awards, in recognition of their efforts and commitment to their courses throughout their time at the College.
Student awards are judged by tutors, lecturers and the students themselves, with many prize categories sponsored by industry in recognition of the high levels of academic teaching and practical learning whilst studying at the College. The Sportsturf prize winners for 2012 are:
Higher Education Prize Winners
• Richard Chenoworth won the 'Martyn Jones Award' for receiving a First Class BSc (Hons) Sportsturf and Golf Course Management Degree. Richard will work at Fanling Golf Club, Hong Kong, for 6 months before returning home to take up full-time employment
• Jonathan Oostendorp won the 'Ransomes Jacobsen Turfmech Cup'
(BSc Hons Turfgrass Science Degree)
• Tracey Woolam won the 'Barenbrug Turf Award'
(FdSc Sportsturf Online Degree)
• Ian Nichols won the 'Ernest Jones Award'
(FdSc Sportsturf & Golf Course Management Degree)
Further Education Prize Winners
• Daniel Woan won the 'Institute of Groundsmanship Award'
(BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Sportsturf)
• Kyle Morrison won the 'Ransomes Jacobsen Turf Machinery Practical Award'
(BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sportsturf)
• Mark Paxford won the 'Rufford Top Dress Cup'
(BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Sportsturf)
Commenting after the ceremony, Myerscough's Assistant Head of HE Sportsturf, Stewart Brown, said: "All the prize winning students were chosen because of their hard-work, dedication and commitment to their degrees throughout their time at Myerscough College. I've no doubt the prize winners will forge successful careers and benefit the industry enormously. Everyone at College wishes them the very best of luck for the future."
Speaking at the end of an emotional week for staff and students at Myerscough College, Principal Ann Turner said: "This week marks the end of nine different graduation and awards ceremonies across Lancashire, all celebrating the success of Myerscough College students. This year's ceremonies went fantastically well and I want to thank all Myerscough staff for their hard work in making the ceremonies so special for both the students and their families. Today marks the end to another highly successful year for Myerscough College"
Congratulations from everyone at Myerscough College, and best wishes for the future.
Image 1: Neil Stubley with Course Tutor, Dr Andrew Owen
Image 2: Jonathan Oostendorp and Tracey Woolam