Chart topping cultivars from Johnsons Sports Seeds

Louise Prettymanin Turf & Grass Seed

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2014 sees DLF and its Johnsons Seeds Cultivars topping the Turfgrass seed booklet, with a number 1 ranking on 15 tables - more than ever before! Worcestershire based DLF Trifolium Ltd believe strongly in the value of global breeding, backed up with local independent trials and product evaluation.

"Johnsons Sports Seeds are major supporters of the natural turf industry through sponsorship and research" says DLF Trifolium's Derek Smith. "Through well established relationships with the industry's turf managers and agronomists we're able to deliver a strong line-up of sports turf seed mixtures."

Amongst the 2014 highlights is the new fine turf Perennial Ryegrass Clementine, which tops the STRI trials with exceptional shoot density and tolerance of close mowing.

Another introduction is the new second generation Tetraploid Fabian, which combines incredible disease resistance and root strength with improved shoot density and wear tolerance.

Also new is the Slender Creeping Red Fescue Beudin, the highest ranked new cultivar turfgrass seed for 2014 offering outstanding turf quality and shoot density under both fairway and close mown conditions.

These new cultivars find themselves in reformulated high performance mixes like J Rye Green, J Premier Green and J All Bent, all specifically targeted for golf greens.

Derek again; "J Rye Green has been developed as a renovation mix where intense wear and heavy shade is a problem on golf greens.

The inclusion of Clementine ensures fast establishment and excellent recovery and was rated the UK number one under close mowing. In J Premier Green we can offer a high performance renovation mix for golf greens.

With the inclusion of Beudin, this unique 60% bent mixture displays unbeatable shoot density to give increased ball speeds along with help to reduce poa annua invasion.

J All Bent, on the other hand, finds particular purpose for regular overseeding and sets a new standard for density and visual quality.

Used regularly throughout the growing season, this all bent mixture helps to reduce poa annua invasion and gives fast sustainable greens."

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Turf & grass seed