Co-operation between Education and Industry provides key to further growth in Algeria
A project to supply thirty four AFT 45 trenching machines to Agricultural colleges across Algeria, is the culmination of close co-operation between AFT Trenchers and a partnership of Belgium and German agencies specialising in the re-establishment of basic infrastructures through education. This exceptionally large export order was awarded to AFT Trenchers against stiff competition and is only the fore runner of what promises to be a major contract to supply AFT 45s throughout Algeria over the next 18 months.
"There are many parts of the world, not just North Africa, which have allowed the deterioration of farming practices to reach crisis point." explained Harry Jurgens, Managing Director of AFT Trenchers "Algeria once had a strong agricultural industry and although it still has a culture of land management and animal husbandry it lacks the knowledge and skills required to reclaim neglected land and prepare it for future farming applications."
Irrigation is essential to maintain and control any form of agriculture. Installing professional drainage systems plays a vital part in achieving stability and continuity of water supply. The aim of the Algerian Government is to equip all of the agricultural colleges in Algeria with the most efficient, reliable and easy to operate equipment for initial training purposes. Once the trainees have achieved the required level of skills and understanding of the task ahead of them the Government will then provide the resources for the equipment to be supplied to them for use across the country.
"AFT Trenchers have invested a lot of time and energy to support this venture." said Harry "It is important we provide the necessary training to the 'teachers' and ensure that the back-up support is there if needed and of course supply any spare parts if and when required. It is a commitment that will continue for some years to come, but will produce far greater rewards to the generations of farmers that are no longer looking backward but striding forward to a better future. We admire the determination behind this enterprise and are very pleased to be a part of it."