ColdStart:- A Unique Product for Grass Plant Engines

David Wardin Industry News
symbio coldstart To accommodate changing spring weather patterns Symbio has specifically developed ColdStart, a new low-volume concentrate total foliar nutrient package.
Freezing spring nights mean cold soil temperatures just as the playing season is getting started. Warmer daytime temperatures bring out golfers in numbers, leading to early heavy turf wear, on winter swards, conflicting with golfers expectations of quality playing surfaces.

Based on low soil temperature plant metabolism research, Symbio addresses this climatic problem by blending a full complement of major and micronutrients. These are complexed in an organic carrier to facilitate rapid assimilation and metabolisation by the plant, ensuring storage for early root and shoot growth. An organic sticking agent ensures product leaf retention reducing nutrient loss through dew formation and rain.

Applied at 50lts per hectare and supplied in 25 Lt drums, ColdStart is conveniently stored ready for rapid early spring use, maximising any stimulation of the grass plants engine from warmer ambient temperatures.

For sales or further technical information contact: Kevin Munt or David Ward - 01372 456101
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