Contractor monitors underage drinking in parks

Press Releasein Local Authority

IMG Press red 1615 jpgNational grounds maintenance company John O'Conner will make the St Albans parks even safer in 2012, thanks to greater powers given to its Park Rangers in tackling anti-social behaviour and underage drinking.

In May 2010 Hertfordshire Constabulary under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme accredited four of its Park Rangers. They were granted the power by the Chief Constable to request the name and address of anyone involved in anti-social behaviour. This has resulted in a reduction of recorded incidents.

These powers have now been extended to enable six John O'Conner Rangers to confiscate alcohol from suspected underage drinkers in any of the three main parks.

John O'Conner, the UK's leading specialist independent grounds maintenance company has welcomed this development. Matt O'Conner, Managing Director said: "Our teams spend their days making the parks pleasant places for all the community and these new powers help them with this task. Our staff is not a Police substitute but an extra set of eyes and ears. Our role is not confrontational but is to engage with those involved in anti-social behaviour and underage drinking, who usually cooperate."

All rangers now have instant radio links to the police seven days a week throughout park opening hours.

St Albans Chief Inspector Richard Hann said: "We are committed to keeping our parks safe and enjoyable places for people to enjoy. By working with our local partners in this way we can help ensure they are free from underage drinking and anti-social behaviour."

For further information on John O'Conner please contact: 01438 717175 -

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Local authority