Core Collection System Proves a Real Winner

The company has developed products for groundsmen & greenkeepers' needs since the company was founded nearly twenty years ago.
The unique Core Collection System has proved a winner on Tractor Mounted Machinery. The two models available are the 8120 (4ft) and 12180 (6ft) machines, which can be driven by compact tractors up to 30 HP. The Core Collector has a 'Flexblade' attachment, which allows cores to be collected cleanly and deposited at the side of the greens after passing over the green.
It is quite remarkable how quick and clean the operation is and how soon greens can be in play again. So the once arduous task of core collection is diminished and labour costs in cleaning the greens can be hugely reduced.
For those who do not own a Groundsman, the company can supply the 'Core Collection' on an A-Frame for independent use behind a compact tractor or can be attached to an all terrain vehicle such as a Workman with a special bracket.
So clean is this device in its operation, that it can be used to collect debris from scarification.
The area that has seen the most development over the years for Groundsman Industries has been the use of different tine selections as all Groundsman pedestrian and tractor mounted machines have the facility of interchangeable holders, which has allowed for greater tine selection. Over the years the company has seen the greater use of needle tines throughout the season to keep the greens always aerated. Star tines have come back into fashion whilst groundsmen at bowling clubs have always liked chisel or slitting tine for the Groundsman pedestrian models of 345HD, 460hd and 460SDR.
For cricket wicket maintenance, the company has seen the greater use of 7/16 solid tines to penetrate such a hard service.
One new development has been the impending delivery of a new generation of deep aerator tractor mounted machines at 1.5 and 2 metre width, here the tines will be up to 12 inches long to allow the break-up of deep pans of black layer brought about over years of top dressing.
Groundsman Industries are excited by this new range and as experts Groundsman Industries should know.
For further information on Groundsman Industries or any of the featured products, please visit
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