County Cricket groundsmen visit Spurs training ground
County Cricket groundsmen recently undertook a visit to Tottenham Hotspur's Enfield training centre as part of the annual ECB Pitches Group pre-season meeting.

The visit to the prestigious centre was a key activity in the two-day Pitches Group event and was arranged between ECB Pitches Consultant Chris Wood and Darren Baldwin, Tottenham's Head of Playing Surfaces and Estates.
Training centre Head Groundsman Paul Jones and Academy Head Groundsman Nick Phillips conducted a comprehensive tour of the advanced footballing training facility (with newly acquired land planned for future expansion).
The tour highlighted the attention to detail around building design, landscaping and progressive planning of the whole site, from academy to first-team pitches.

With pre-season soon underway, cricket's groundsmen will no doubt return to their counties eager to apply the valuable expertise imparted by their Tottenham Hotspur FC colleagues.