Campey dealer day at FA's St George's Park

An excellent turnout of the top machinery dealerships from the UK and Europe were represented during three dealer educational days recently held by Campey Turf Care Systems at St Georges Park, home of the English Football Associations national football training centre at Burton on Trent.
Delighted at the opportunity to visit such a prestigious venue, Campeys European dealers from as far afield as Spain to Poland and Denmark to Slovenia, expressed their enthusiasm at seeing first-hand how Campeys - a forward-thinking, dynamic company, leads the way in specialist machinery for turf maintenance and renovation.
Demonstrations of existing product lines were accompanied by the introduction of a number of new and prototype (available from 2014) equipment for perfecting all types of sports surfaces.
Managing Director Richard Campey said: "It is so important for our dealers and my staff to get together and exchange ideas. It is all about identifying interest in the market, exchanging views and providing a platform for change if it is needed."
Managing Director of French machinery distributor Hydraparts, Francois Brouillet, thanked Richard for a splendid event "It has been very well organized, in an exceptional place and has opened up a lot of new ideas, contacts and information" he said.
Demonstration areas were divided into specialist brands of machinery such as Imants and Koro by Imants aerators and de-compactors, T.I.P synthetic turf maintenance, Omarv collectors, Dakota top-dressers and spreaders, and the new Air 2G2 air injection machine.
Presentations were given by Campeys Sales Director Simon Gumbrill on the renovation work at the Parc De Princes stadium, home to football team PSG earlier this year, and Export Manager Dave Harrison on the renovation of Blumisberg Golf Course, Switzerland, using the Koro Field Top Maker on golf fairways.

He also arranged a tour of the premises illustrating how using the latest techniques and machinery from Campey Turf Care Systems translated into actual results. The highlight was stepping onto the replica Wembley pitch and seeing the incredible quality of surface that has been produced.
Richard said: "This is a remarkable venue and a perfect showcase for many of our products, in particular the new rotors for the Koro by Imants Field Top Makers - Universe® and Terraplane® which both have been used to such great effect here.
Everyone was in one mind that it had been an extremely successful event and expressed their thanks and appreciation.
Paul Hodgson, of Greenlay Grass Machinery, Cramlington, is fairly new to the business and was delighted to attend. "It is essential that you know how the machines work and what the merits are, if you are to recommend them to a customer. What a fabulous location as well."
Lister Wilder had several members of their sales force in attendance. Darren Hatcher said: "A very informative day. Looking at a brochure is not enough

Neil Finlay of Johnston Gilpin & Co, Belfast, acknowledged that Northern Ireland has had it tough over the last few years, but now the time has come to get the information out - to the golf clubs in particular.
"We had a very interesting and useful day," said Neil, "and what a fantastic setting to hold such an event. We've had a chance to get together with other dealers and discuss different approaches and methods with them and to talk to the manufacturers as well."
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As usual the weather played its part and a combination of sunshine and rain dictated various changes to the schedule, but the demonstration events were hugely successful over all three days.
Richard Campey extended grateful thanks to Alan and Carol Ferguson and his team for giving them access to St Georges Park.
Campey Turf Care Systems is one of Europe's largest independent grounds care machinery suppliers. Over the years Campeys have earned a reputation for offering practical advice and superb aftercare service.
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