Deep Drill ready for action

Carol Duttonin Industry News

Deep Drill Picture for Carol Big version.JPGThe Deep Drill bought by Terrain Aeration as part of the company's acquisition of C & P Soilcare has been completely stripped and overhauled and is now ready for action.

Terrain's operations director Lynda Green, (who originally brought the machine into the country in 1992) says that many major components including the 60 tungsten tipped, five eights of an inch diameter drills on the drill head have been replaced and this latest addition to Terrain's aeration arsenal is now fully equipped to treat cricket wickets, bowling greens, golf greens and tees, or anywhere where compaction relief is needed within the top ten inches of the soil profile.

"This machine is primarily about encouraging healthy root growth, rather than rectifying deep or severe compaction panning and drainage problems," she says. "As there is no compressed air injection involved, the Deep Drill is ideal for the treatment of USGA spec, or sand based golf greens."

The three wheeled, self propelled unit, sporting a Kubota 950, 21hp engine has a ground pressure of just 9 psi with the drills at 5 inch spacings. Following treatment the holes can be back filled with top dressing, soil improvers or soil activators according to requirements deeming the surface immediately playable.

For further information contact Terrain Aeration on Tel: 01449 673783 or visit their website at:

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