DLF Trifolium Supplies the Royal Liverpool

Craig saw the opportunity to introduce more fine fescues, which have stood up to severe drought and heavy foot damage throughout the open competition. Much of the course had recovered naturally and Craig supported the view that fescue dominated areas were far more resilient than many people believed.
John Hughes of DLF Trifolium worked closely with Craig to ensure the varieties selected would be in keeping with the existing swards. "It was a pleasure to work with Craig and experience his commitment to traditional green keeping values. His approach to seed selection and mixture detail was exceptionally professional," explained John.
The cultivars were selected for fineness of leaf, shoot density, disease resistance and their natural ability to survive drought and low nutrient inputs. Musica and Carioca chewings fescue combined with Cezanne slender creeping red fescue featured heavily in the mixtures. Craig selected the Johnsons J Fescue and Aitkens Blade 4 mixtures for use throughout the course.
Craig stated, "We have been very pleased by the establishment of the mixtures throughout the course and the fact that we are continuing to increase the fine fescue component of the sward."
For more information about Johnsons Sport and Amenity please contact 01386 791102, email amenity@dlf.co.uk or visit www.dlf.co.uk/
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