Do you have problems with your Committee or your Members? What can you do to lessen the conflict?

Martyn Jonesin Training & Education

Do you have problems with your Committee or your Members? What can you do to lessen the conflict?

By Martyn Jones : National Turfgrass Foundation

Life was never meant to be easy. We can't expect to get on with everyone all of the time. When managing golf courses or sports grounds, conflict is par for the course at some stage. It would be a great job if there weren't any golfers or sportsmen. If only things were different!

Unfortunately, there are too many instances when greenkeepers or groundsmen find themselves in conflict with an individual member or Committee. Sometimes it is as a result of a personality clash; sometimes over a disagreement of policy; sometimes over something more sinister. Whatever the cause or circumstances, it can be stressful and destructive.

Finding a solution can sometimes be difficult but rewarding. Often, small misunderstandings or communication failures can be at the root of the problem and, viewed from the outside, a solution may only be around the corner. Knowing how to avoid such situations or having an appreciation of some simple preventative actions can make a huge difference. Improving the lines of communication can often prevent problems, nip them in the bud, or unravel the underlying cause of conflict.

The subjects of conflict can be many and varied and the turf manager who is caught in a tangle often needs help and understanding. If you are currently involved in a difficult situation, an answer to your problem may be close at hand at the National Turfgrass Foundation 'In Pursuit of Excellence' Conference at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool, 5th to 8th December 2005.

For more details, a Conference brochure and a registration form, contact or speak to Martyn or Louise on 01995 670675 or 07887578807.

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Training & education