Elmwood College to Use GTC Training Manuals in Electronic format

David Goldingin Industry News

GTC.jpgElmwood College, Cupar, Scotland, through a licence agreement with The Greenkeepers Training Committee (GTC), is extending its greenkeeper training provision by embracing the latest eportfolio technology.

The college will be offering future students the opportunity to use the eportfolio recording option and this will include the highly acclaimed GTC Greenkeeping Training Manual and the Groundsman version will also be available.

Rick Bond, Head of Faculty, Golf, Land & Environment at the college says, "the eportfolio provision is already available for students studying for a management qualification and we see the new additions supporting learners such as apprentices and students across the world looking to be part of the Elmwood College Sports Turf learning experience.

Carol Borthwick, Director of Golf and International Affairs at Elmwood adds, "the college has for many years been involved with the GTC and we see the agreement to use the GTC's training manuals and learning materials in electronic format as an opportunity to expand our provision beyond our traditional methods of delivering greenkeeper and groundsmanship education and training.

David Golding, GTC's Education Director says, "Elmwood College, as a GTC Quality Assured Centre, has for many years been a major provider of sports turf education, training provision offering the range of qualifications from work based to Higher Education. The licence agreement between Elmwood College and the GTC will certainly embrace the technology now available to allow employers and students to consider if this option maybe better suited to their needs, whilst not forgetting the traditional delivery of courses will still be available".

For further details of the eportfolio options and all Sports Turf education and training courses and qualifications please contact:

Elmwood College Email: mclark@elmwood.ac.uk Tel: 01334 658969

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