Engine & Power Products Department Reports Record Sales
Global manufacturer Kawasaki is reporting that sales of Engines and Power Products are significantly ahead throughout the EU over the last twelve months compared with the preceding period. This growth has been achieved despite the challenging economic conditions affecting the whole of Europe and reflects the increasing user demand for environmentally friendly, reliable and lightweight products with the performance and power to handle even the most demanding environments.
According to Jack Ford, Kawasaki's Senior Product Manager: "This success confirms that Kawasaki continues to meet the needs of users for innovative and robust Engines and Power Products that deliver high levels of performance and reliability in a wide range of heavy duty environments. With a host of new products and marketing initiatives to be announced over the next few months, we expect to maintain this rate of growth and increase our market share."
As part of the company's ongoing business strategy, Kawasaki has consolidated its dealer and distribution networks across the UK and Europe in readiness for further growth in key markets. The Engine and Power Products Department has also recently expanded its offices at Kawasaki's Bourne End facility to accommodate a planned increase in headcount across a number of key departments including technical and marketing. This will enable Kawasaki to further enhance the high levels of pre and post sales support provided to dealers and distributors.
For further information, please contact: Paul Jennings, Kobu,
T: +44 (0)1295 771182 E: Kawasaki@kobu.co.uk