European Visitors praise STRI Trials
Barenbrug UK's golf greens trial at the STRI came under close scrutiny when the Group's product managers and grass breeders held their latest meeting at the Bingley facility.
UK research and development manger Jayne Leyland was on hand to explain the details of the trials and was pleased with the enthusiasm shown by her international colleagues.
"They were extremely interested in the golf greens trial especially the results from the close mowing of our crested hairgrass Barkoel, which is reacting very favourably to being mown at 4mm.
"Another mixture that caused considerable interest was our creeping bent/browntop bent mixture which features Bengal and BarKing. It is showing outstanding consistency in the sward, good colour and sward density. Browntop bent/creeping bent mixtures are not known for their consistency, but with these two Barenbrug cultivars we look to have achieved a breakthrough."
In addition the group, which included Arthur Wolleswinkel, Barenbrug Holland international product manager for turf, Jan van der Boom, product manager, Holland, Francois Robinet, Barenbrug France, Christophe Doubel, Barenbrug Belgium, and Barenbrug grass breeders, Lian van Kruijssen and Koos de Bruin, applauded the trials facility at the STRI. Arthur Wolleswinkel comments: "The BSPB trials at the STRI are outstanding. The professionalism of the staff and the trials they are undertaking must be the envy of Europe."