February 2022 Pitch Diaries
January seems to have come and gone in a flash, in what has felt like a busy period. The heavy rainfall and freezing temperatures earlier in the month seem to have subsided and it has allowed many to be full steam ahead with projects and continued turf maintenance. It's always nice to hit the ground running at the start of the year and make good progress, to set things up for the year ahead.

Soil sampling with BMS Products
The long-term forecast looks favourable at the beginning of the February, but then towards the back end of the month things look likely to change, with much wetter conditions and low temperatures still no higher than 4°C. Suggesting that there won't be any significant growth potential for most of the month, which is as expected. Although, in recent years there has been known to be almost a 'false' spring in February, which has allowed for more maintenance to be carried out and some recovery from winter wear. If this is to be planned in this year, tracking the forecast will be key to ensure the right window of opportunity is found, to get the best possible outcomes.
There is a significant difference in the amount of daylight available at the beginning of February compared to the end of the month, with approximately two hours more daylight and above 50% increase in the height of the sun (Mid-day). This can mean a turning point for areas of turf that have been cast in shade for long periods, which comes at the end of the month, and so will now benefit from this increase in light, improving the overall health of the turf.
In this month's diaries we focus on soil temperatures and how the rhizosphere will start to have sufficient warmth to support biological activity and influence soil respiration by increasing enzyme activity. Plus the use of biostimulants, protecting the plant and diseases.
Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.