Fields in Trust Green Space Index 2020

Fields in Trustin Parks & Gardens

The Green Space Index - Fields in Trust's annual barometer of publicly accessible park and green space provision - shows that 2.7m people in Great Britan live more than a ten-minute walk from their nearest local park or green space; and the situation could get worse if we don't act now.

Green Space Index

Our analysis shows that, despite their new found importance as a place to get outside, exercise and meet loved ones safely during the COVID-19 lockdown, there are 2.7m people in Great Britain without easy access to a park or green space and the health and wellbeing benefits they deliver.

And the situation could get worse. Fields in Trust, in partnership with The Co-op, estimate that across Britain green space provision per person could have reduced by 7.6% by 2040.

Britain's parks and green spaces are at significant risk of loss to development, if we don't act now to protect them.

Research findings

The Green Space Index ranks Britain's nations and regions against a minimum standard of park and green space provision. The East Midlands, London, the North East, the North West and Yorkshire and the Humber all fall below the minimum level. London was the poorest performer in Great Britain, scoring 45% less than the minimum standard of park and green space provision.

Our analysis shows that there is unequal green space provision across Great Britain. We will work with landowners, community organisations and partners to protect parks and green spaces ensuring communities have access, now and in the future, in areas where they are most needed.

• A series of Web Apps allow you to explore green space provision in your local area.

• An interactive story map forecasts how population changes could reduce provision

Helen Griffiths, Fields in Trust Chief Executive said:

"Parks and green spaces play a vital role in people's health and wellbeing, and these benefits have been shown even more starkly during the really difficult times our country has faced in recent months. Our local parks and green spaces have been crucial during the crisis and they will have a significant part to play in our recovery."

Follow the guidance

Parks and green spaces still have a role to play in keeping us all fit and well. However, during these uncertain times, access is rightly limited. We have campaigned for the importance of equitable provision of local parks: a green space within a ten-minute walk of everyone in the UK. It is important now to each do our bit to keep safe and only use your local green spaces for exercise and to follow the latest Government advice.

Thank you for your support

At this difficult time your support makes even more difference to our endeavours championing, supporting and protecting the UK's parks and green spaces for good. These are challenging times for us all but, if you are able, please do consider making a donation towards our important work.

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