Fresh team sets new direction for IOG SCOTSTURF
Fresh team sets new direction for IOG SCOTSTURF
Dramatic changes in IOG SCOTSTURF and new faces in the management team have put Scotland's premier grounds care show on track for a bright future.
"Renewed confidence is reflected in fresh interest from exhibitors," said show secretary Roy Daniels. "We are an enthusiastic new team, which as well as the senior IOG committee members located in Scotland, now includes the IOG's national Marketing and Finance managers."
Scottish IOG members John White (show chairman), Land Records Manager at North Lanarkshire Council, Drew Bryce (show treasurer), Operations Officer at Fife Council and Roy Daniels, Training Officer at Fife Council are heading up the team, which now for the first time also has the assistance of strategic, marketing and financial back up from the IOG's head office.
With a history exceeding 25 years, IOG SCOTSTURF remains the only show in Scotland for the grounds management industry. Despite having faced a number of challenges over recent years, the new team are determined to make 2005 (November 9-10) the "biggest and best IOG SCOTSTURF ever".
To ensure the show meets everyone's expectations the new team are working closely with trade and visitor focus groups to identify exactly what improvements and additions are needed to reinforce IOG SCOTSTURF as the key date in the Scottish industry calendar. This flagship event for the trade in Scotland will capitalise on the Scottish reputation for independence and innovation.
Plans currently include revised computerised registration for quicker visitor entry, a new layout making the show easier to navigate, and a comprehensive seminar programme which is being developed in liaison with leading industry figures to cover the most up-to-date industry issues. There will also be live debates.
"The new Scottish team are totally committed to progressing the show for the benefit of the grounds care industry in Scotland - and for all those who work in it - in order to ensure that it develops even further beyond the newly-invigorated and dynamic event that we are planning for this November," said IOG SCOTSTURF chairman John White.
For IOG SCOTSTURF information and to make suggestions, please call Roy Daniels on 07984 499006 or Exhibition Sales Manager, Nicky McGarry, on 028 9042 2274.
Photo (L to R): Drew Bryce, Nicky McGarry, John White, Siobhan Harper, Tracy Oliver and Roy Daniels.