GMB Greenkeepers and Groundspersons Branch
The formation of the GMB Greenkeeper and Groundspersons Branch of the GMB Union Sports Section officially commenced on 21st of April 2008. After discussions between GMB Officials and the Independent Greenkeepers Association Council on Monday 14th April 2008 a formal Union Branch dedicated to the sports turf industry was established and Branch committee appointed.
The establishment of the Branch is for GMB Trade Union representation. The Branch is for anyone associated within the industry whether you work on a golf course, football/rugby sports stadium, bowling club, racecourse or any other sport associated with the maintenance of turf of artificial sports surfaces. The Branch will be run by the Branch Committee who are all GMB Union Members within these industries, and as such can gear the Branch efforts in a positive manner to areas specific to our industry with the advantage and backing of our GMB members and the GMB Union.
Representation is by a Union Official (Branch Officer) for GMB Union members faced with disciplinary hearings from the trainee to the supervisor/manager, remember "legally" only a work colleague or Union Representative may be present during a hearing, as a GMB member no longer will you have to fight your own corner by yourself, you will have the backing of the GMB Union. The stronger the membership of the Branch, the louder our voices will be heard, and this will give us the strength and ability to negotiate with the hierarchy and governing bodies within the industry to improve the standards and status of our profession.
The world of business is full of different fields and professions many of who's workforces are represented by a Trade Union. The sports turf industry is no different to these, and are entitled through membership of the GMB to similar representation and benefits that these other fields have enjoyed for many years.
There is now a choice for you to make:
1) remain as present fighting your own corner
2) Join the GMB Greenkeeper and Groundspersons Branch and use the combined voices of all the membership to make those controlling our industry listen to our concerns and help aid change to benefit all who work within this great industry.
This is a great opportunity for us to move forward, don't let it pass by.
Graeme Lorimer
Branch Secretary
GMB Greenkeepers & Groundspersons Branch